Tuesday 31 May 2011

High handed attitude of auto drivers

Auto Rickshaw is a common mode of transport.Persons who comes to city from distant places to see their relatives or on office work generally look for auto in their onward and return journeys.People prefer it because of its accessibility and visit to remote areas.There were days when the drivers were friendly and demanded a reasonable fare. But of late things have changed a lot. They quote charged according to their whims and fancies. There is no ethics.They have no regards even for kids.ladies and aged. There is no uniform system of fares. They fleece commuters in a more ruthless manner.We used to visit chennai every month to meet our daughter who is residing in Annanagar west. When we visited first one driver demanded hundred rupees. But we could get another auto for forty rupees. The fare varies from auto to auto.Brand new meters have been kept idle in all autos.We find some unholy nexus between prepaid auto centres and drivers..Many a time we could not see any persons in the prepaid counters.They want destination very close to the main roads and when they pass through some nook and corners  they pass unnecessary comments and insist more fare.It is not possible for the commuters to mention the exact landmark in cases of newly constructed houses in the extensions. Their charges are not at all based on distance. It is time that the Government steps into matter soon and advice drivers to activate their meter and collect reasonable fares lest the the public should revolt against such day light robbery.

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